2008年12月17日 星期三

又下雪了 It's snow again

又下雪了. 如果明後天溫度不回暖,學校很有可能整個禮拜都關門. 那麼再加上下週即將來臨的兩個禮拜寒假,熊熊們可都要高興死了.當然嘍,最高興的會是誰呢?那當然是熊爸爸了.
It's snowing again. If the temperature won't go back to normal, the whole school district will be closed for Thursday and Friday. Then, we will have 3 weeks of winter break. I guess Bears will be very very happy, especially Daddy Bear.
OK, what are we going to do when it snows? Well, let's make a snow man.
