2011年2月27日 星期日

A broken pipe after the snowy day!

Right before lunch, Mama Bear heard the loud sound of water came from somewhere in the house. Papa Bear thought it might be one of the toilets need more time to fill the water tank. Five minutes later, the sound was still there. Something must be wrong. Very wrong. Till Mama Bear opened the garage door and looked at the water filled with the garage floor, we had a problem, a big one. Papa Bear tried to turn off the water, but the knob was too tight. The water kept coming out. It was too muddy and too cold to stay outside. Not a minute to lose. Papa Bear need to turn the water off before the garage got flooded. Neighbors came to help and finally found the right tool to turn it off. OK! The water stopped coming out. It was Saturday. We had better to call a plumber to fix it. Thank God that a Spanish Brother was available and he was willing to give it a try. ( He was not sure that he can fix it.) Two hours after the FLOODing incident, the broken pipe was fixed.  However, We learned a lesson. Draining out of the water in the pipe when there is snow. Also give the pipe a layer of "pink jacket" to keep it from breakig again. What a Saturday!

A snowy day

In a snowy day, what did the bears do? PLAY!

2011年2月23日 星期三

Bye bye cold and flu.

熊熊家這一陣子可真忙,底迪熊感冒,發燒 103 F, 取消了三次的doctor appointments (約appointments 是約心安的) 之後,還沒看醫生病就好了, 沒有靈丹妙藥, 就是快速大量的補充他身體裡缺乏的維生素,和抗氧化劑, 並不斷補充純蘆薈汁,燒退了, 病也好了,熊奶奶好奇為何不趕快就醫,吃個藥或打個針之類的, 說來有趣,美國這裡的醫生可沒那麼急著要你來掛號看病. "幾度?" " 蛤? 103度。" 第幾天發燒?" "第一天" "再觀察兩三天, 可以給退燒藥讓他舒服點, 若是沒退,就來診所..."   ;什麼退燒藥? 熊熊家已經兩年沒感冒藥,退燒藥, 咳嗽藥啦!為了改變舊有的吃藥惡習,熊熊們也合作,不怎麼給媽媽熊難處。 不過當感冒菌來勢洶洶,熊熊家嚴陣以待, 一杯又一杯 的營養補充品,蘆薈汁就當作戰武器, 金橘 水果茶拼命灌來止咳,就這樣一天一天好起來。底迪熊好了,就讓隨侍在側的媽媽熊也雨露均霑,分享咳個不停的心體驗,爸爸熊擔心說:要不要去看醫生呢?媽媽熊知道只要沒變糟, 並且一天天好起來, 方向就對了。感冒好了 真高興, 希望2011 年大家都健康。



針 對幼兒發燒問題,最新一期美國小兒科醫學期刊指出,很多人以為發燒會燒壞腦子,所以趕快給孩子服藥,其實這是錯誤觀念。文章說,發燒本身不會傷害孩子,甚 至可以說,發燒是有幫助的,因為那會傳遞訊息給身體其他部門,讓身體製造更多白血球,以避免感染。也就是說,一旦發燒,細菌或病毒就不容易侵入人體,孩子 反倒可以康復的較快。
研究指出,如果是三個月以下的嬰兒,發燒到38度時,應該服藥;如果是三到六個月大的嬰兒,發燒到38.3 度時,就該服藥;如果是六個月以上的嬰兒,發燒在39.4度以下,父母不必擔心。當然,如果同時出現其他症狀,例如拉肚子或嘔吐,又另當別論,應該趕快看醫生。

2011年2月14日 星期一

10th birthday party

After all these years, Little Bear finally turned to her first double digits. What a blessing! When Little Bear was born, 10 days were a long time. Not to mention about 10 months. None of us would think about 10 years. Why? Little Bear's days were always busy. In the first 10 days, she learned to drink milk without falling asleep. When she turned 10-month-old, she was busy to learn how to stand by herself, to eat solid food,and fight with eye patches. Now, she learns to do addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. She learns how to express herself and get along with others. She was so happy that her friends from her school and church all came together. They had so much fun together. Thank God for taking care of Little Bear. We are looking fowarding seeing her to grow taller and wiser.