2008年12月30日 星期二

姊姊熊, 我們想念妳! Sister Bear, we miss you!

昨晚吃飯的時候,禱告完,要開動,爸爸熊說:我想唸我的女兒,真的耶,姊姊熊不在,好像都不一樣了。早上沒人弄早餐給熊美眉和熊底迪吃(放假期間,姊姊熊會幫忙,好讓兩老多賴床)只等爸爸熊或媽媽熊來弄給熊美眉和熊底迪吃。熊底迪少個人鬥嘴,熊美眉倒是無所謂,只是告訴來訪的叔叔阿姨,姊姊熊去 camp.整體來說好像安靜多了,但是,熊熊們都在想姊姊熊現在在做什麼. 姊姊熊,我們想念妳。
In dinner time, Papa Bear said " I miss my daughter." Indeed, it is quite different. No one would set up the breakfast for little Bear and Baby bear when Papa Bear and Mama Bear are still in bed. ( Sister Bear helped out in the winter break.) Baby Bear has no one to argue with. Little Bear was O.K. She would tell our visitors that Sister Bear went to a camp. In Bears' house, it is little bit quiet. However, all bears are thinking about what Sister Bear is doing. Sister Bear, we all miss you.

2008年12月28日 星期日

姊姊熊的第一次 Sister Bear's first time

姊姊熊第一次自己離家去冬令營,爸爸熊媽媽熊覺得有點怪怪的,姊姊熊真的長大了,讓她經驗ㄧ下也是挺好得,熊熊們約好每晚八點準時為她禱告,希望姊姊熊熊有個很棒的冬令營。Sister Bear went to the winter retreat by herself. Mama Bear and Papa Bear was not really ready for that. Sister Bear grows up. It should be a great opportunity for her to experience. All bears decided to pray for her at 8:00 sharp every night.

2008年12月27日 星期六

姊姊熊好可憐! Poor Sister bear!

姊姊熊準備週日參加青少年冬令退休會,去年媽媽熊陪姊熊姊熊去,今年姊姊熊十二歲了,爸爸熊媽媽熊決定讓姊姊熊自己和其他小朋友及叔叔阿姨一起去,大家都很興奮。熊底迪看見姊姊熊忙著打包就開始問問題。底迪熊問:姊姊去哪裡?做什麼?他知道只有姊姊熊自己去時冒出一句:姊姊好可憐喔!Sister Bear was getting ready for the youth winter retreat. Mama Bear went with sister Bear last year. Sister Bear turned 12 in Nov. Papa Bear and Mama Bear decided that Sister Bear went with aunties,uncles, and other middle schoolers this year. Baby Bear saw sister Bear was busy with preparing her luggage. " Where is Sister Bear going?" said Baby Bear. Mama Bear explained to him and tell him that she would go by herself. "Poor Sister Bear!" said Baby Bear.

超級小幫手 Super helpers

2008年12月25日 星期四

高速公路上的雪景 Beautiful scenes on the Highway

有誰知道冰瀑布在哪幾張照片中呢? Which ones have the icy falls?

泡湯啦! Enjoy the hot spring in the snowy day.

下大雪去不成加拿大,泡泡湯也不錯. Can't go to Canada, then Hot Spring is great, too.

2008年12月24日 星期三

今晚上哪去? Where are we tonight?

阿姨辦桌囉! Auntie G's banquet
看樣子,這餐是不能減肥了。Forget about losing weight tonight.

Wii 真的那麼好玩嗎? Is Wii really fun to play?
有圖為證。 Look at them. No one wants to leave.

J. 說:可以續杯嗎?
S. 說:你們先玩,我去洗個頭再來.

2008年12月23日 星期二

馬爾濟斯賞玩犬 Maltese

This morning, when Sister Bear is writing her Chinese journal, we started to realize that the dog brought by sister S is a famous pure breed Maltese show dog. Now, even Daddy Bear says he is cute. To know more about Maltese, click here.

2008年12月20日 星期六

熊底迪第一次小提琴演奏 Baby Bear's Violin solo


2008年12月19日 星期五






2008年12月17日 星期三

又下雪了 It's snow again

又下雪了. 如果明後天溫度不回暖,學校很有可能整個禮拜都關門. 那麼再加上下週即將來臨的兩個禮拜寒假,熊熊們可都要高興死了.當然嘍,最高興的會是誰呢?那當然是熊爸爸了.
It's snowing again. If the temperature won't go back to normal, the whole school district will be closed for Thursday and Friday. Then, we will have 3 weeks of winter break. I guess Bears will be very very happy, especially Daddy Bear.
OK, what are we going to do when it snows? Well, let's make a snow man.

2008年12月16日 星期二

放下雪假。 School closed today.

其實今天已經不下雪,但是學校還是關閉。熊熊們一聽不用上學,齊聲歡呼。奇怪,怎麼這麼不好學呢?不用上學這麼高興,學校要好好反省。 There was no snow today, but school still closed one more day. All Bears shouted horray. What's going on here? Why were Bears so happy when they knew no school today? Will schools need to do something about it?

2008年12月14日 星期日

學校關門了 School Closed

唉啊不得了,因為下雪的關係,學校星期一關門了. 小熊熊們與熊爸爸大聲叫好,而熊媽媽說,怎麼辦才好呢?一堆熊熊在家沒事幹可是要造反了.
Oh, no. Because of snow, the school district is closed on Monday. Little bears and Daddy bear shouted out great, but Mama bear wondered what would happen if so many bears stay at home.

真的下雪了耶! Snow finally came! Let's have fun!

It is snowing now, it is Bears Bears' Home's Home snowing.

熊媽媽說:外面好冷,大家抱緊! Mama Bear said, "It is so cold outside, let's squeeze!"
熊爸爸說:熊底迪,熊美眉,小心!不要被風雪吹走! Daddy Bear said, "Baby Bear and Little Bear, watch out! Don't be blew away!"
Sister Bear said, "In a weather like this, hot chocolate and rolled wafers are the best. And let's sit together. It is called the Bears family's bear squeeze."

2008年12月10日 星期三

請問你們在做什麼? What are you doing?

"熊美眉,熊底迪,請問你們在做什麼?" "Little Bear and Baby Bear, what are you doing?"
"我們在畫樓梯,並寫數字" "We are drawing stairs and writing numbers."
"你們是不是很無聊?" "Are you pretty bored?"
"不會阿!好好玩喔!" "Not at all. It is so fun!"

2008年12月9日 星期二

下雪了 Let it Snow

當孩子們看了新荒漠甘泉部落格開始下雪之後,大家都說好漂亮喔,然後就吵著也要熊熊之家下點雪. 好吧,這次只好熊爸爸親自出馬了. 喜歡嗎?
When bears saw the Stream in the Hip Desert is snowing, they said it is so pretty. So, everyone said Bears Bears' Home should have some snow. All Right, it is Daddy Bear's turn to let it snow. You like it? Thanks to MRSHBT's inspiration.

2008年12月1日 星期一

趕死隊 The Mad Rush Squad


Daddy Bear (with singing):
Bear Ma as the moon shining on my doors and windows ...
Bear Ma I love you, I love you; you are the best.
(Don't know this song? ask someone who knows Chinese sing this song to you.)

Yes, when The Mad Rush Squad is going out in the morning, it is the most horrible time of the day. At 7:22AM, Daddy Bear and sister Bear dashed out of the door, with breakfast, lunch, hot drinks, fruits, and vitamins. Then, it's Little Bear sand Baby Bears' turns. Eating breakfast, taking Vitamins, brushing hair, brushing teeth, wearing shoes, putting on jacks and backpacks need to be done. Hurry, hurry, the 2nd squad dashed out of the door for the school bus. After kissing goodbye, the school bus left. MaMa Bear went home like a boxer hearing the half-time ring and left paralyzed in the chair. MaMa Bear really need to strengthen her physical body more.

2008年11月30日 星期日


誰是呼拉圈大賽第一名呢? 請看

2008年11月29日 星期六

呼拉圈大戰 Hula Hoop Contest

猜猜看誰會是熊熊之家呼拉圈冠軍呢? 爺爺,奶奶,阿公,阿媽,姑姑,姑丈,媽咪,爹地,舅舅,阿姨們趕快來猜,答對了有獎喔.答案明天揭曉. :)

2008年11月27日 星期四

(火) 雞滿為患Turkey, Turkey, Everywhere

熊弟弟火雞 Baby Bear's Turkeys

熊妹妹火雞 Little Bear's Turkey

2008年11月24日 星期一

三隻熊熊的晚餐 three little bears' dinner

熊美眉和熊底迪負責切菜Little Bear and Baby Bear cut vegetables.

熊姊姊切菜 Sister Bear cut the vegetables.

熊姊姊煎蛋Sister Bear fried the eggs.

Da La!
做好了,這是熊熊們最愛吃的餅餅晚餐。Da La! It is done. Shall we present one of the most popular dinners in the Bear family.