2008年12月1日 星期一

趕死隊 The Mad Rush Squad


Daddy Bear (with singing):
Bear Ma as the moon shining on my doors and windows ...
Bear Ma I love you, I love you; you are the best.
(Don't know this song? ask someone who knows Chinese sing this song to you.)

Yes, when The Mad Rush Squad is going out in the morning, it is the most horrible time of the day. At 7:22AM, Daddy Bear and sister Bear dashed out of the door, with breakfast, lunch, hot drinks, fruits, and vitamins. Then, it's Little Bear sand Baby Bears' turns. Eating breakfast, taking Vitamins, brushing hair, brushing teeth, wearing shoes, putting on jacks and backpacks need to be done. Hurry, hurry, the 2nd squad dashed out of the door for the school bus. After kissing goodbye, the school bus left. MaMa Bear went home like a boxer hearing the half-time ring and left paralyzed in the chair. MaMa Bear really need to strengthen her physical body more.
