2007年8月4日 星期六

Mommy, why don't you use nail polish?

As usual, Mama bear would go to each bear's bed side and give them kisses, hugs, and prayers and some "sweet talks" every night. Big sister bear asked Mama bear. "Mommy, why don't you use nail polish?' Wow! This was the second time she asked since we came back from LA. ( When the bear family visited a friend in LA, their 6-year-old girl had nail polished. The girl offered big sister bear a bottle of nail ploish. She asked Mama bear about it. Mama bear told her that we had to talk about it.) Again, she brought up the topic. Mama bear thought it was a great moment to have a "woman to woman" conversation with big sister bear. "Well, first of all, I don't have time to do the nails. I think I rather use the money to buy some other things I really like." We started sharing when Mama bear was a child. I used a nail polish to paint a glass bottle. ( It was a fun project though.) Mama bear could feel the heart of big sister bear. She may not like the answers. However, Mama bear told her that may be some day we both could wear nail polish. "When?" asked she. "mmm, when I turn 60...." ^ ^

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Dear Mama Bear,

In the past, I did not like to waste money on nail polish either. I will share with you some day about why I use nail polish now.

When you turn 60, you will wear nail polish with big sister bear? By the time you are 60, your hands may not be able to hold the brush steadily to paint. :)

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