2007年8月9日 星期四

Did you draw the picture?

As usual, our J. bear was the first one to get up. Mama bear heard some sounds in J. bear's room. She was up and about to go to baby bear's room and to wake him up. Mama bear grabbed her back and told her to get back to her bed. ( Mama bear need sleep too.) A few minutes later, Mama bear heard some sounds. mmm It was time for someone to get a time out. When Mama bear went to J. bear's room, Mama was stunned. J. bear was drawing. She was drawing a little person. People who knew J. all knew that she was not able to draw. Her drawing was usually a lot of scribbling. Mama bear asked J. bear who drew that picture. J. looked at Mama bear with puzzling look. "It's me, Mama!" Of course, everyone was sleeping. How silly Mama bear was! So Mama bear ran downstair to grab the camera and got some shots. Wow! It was awesome!

1 則留言:

wanghji 提到...

For any one who know J bear, 這個實在是個大新聞. 今年三月底,那個老師還在"碎碎唸"偶們這個孩子不會畫人像. 看哪!非不能也而是不為也!!!