2007年7月26日 星期四

WCCC Day 2 Special Topic - Live out the character of Christ

Brother Sun Section 1. We need to have Christ's character

Genesis 1:26-27 神說、我們要照著我們的形像、按著我們的樣式造人、使他們管理海裡的魚、空中的鳥、地上的牲畜、和全地、並地上所爬的一切昆蟲。 神就照著自己的形像造人、乃是照著他的形像造男造女。

Roman 8:28-30 我們曉得萬事都互相效力、叫愛 神的人得益處、就是按他旨意被召的人。因為他預先所知道的人、就預先定下效法他兒子的模樣使他兒子在許多弟兄中作長子.預先所定下的人又召他們來.所召來的人、又稱他們為義.所稱為義的人、又叫他們得榮耀。

彼後2 Peter 1:3 神的神能已將一切關乎生命和虔敬的事賜給我們、皆因我們認識那用自己榮耀和美德召我們的主.

1. There are 2 christian basic pursuit:
a. pursuit to know God's eternal purpose
b. pursuit to have a character which can be entrusted God's eternal purpose
Without such character, the greater the gift or the great the knowledge, the greater damage to the House of God. It just like building a house. We have the best blue print, and the best/skillful workers, but have poor materials.
c. Image = character + temperament
God has placed this image in every believer and it is His will that this image/character can be manifested in us. God can only use those who have His character to accomplished His work. In another word, only the character of Christ can accomplish the will of God. And the service is according to the character of Christ.

2. The unique character of Christ:
a. everything has its own unique character. Gold has its unique character and so does silver.
b. the unique character of Christ is His character is not a created character, it is God's character. Therefore, His character becomes the standard, content, reality and etc. Only Christ and none other can accomplish the will of God.

3. Personality and Character:
a. Personality: when God 1st creates us, He gave us an unique personality, there are many and all different and unchanged.
b. Character: character can be built. However, the natural man's character, regardless good or bad, it is not useful in God's eyes. All rituals in the Bible point to the character of Christ, not human's moral standard. Education is only to seek perfect among imperfect characters.
c. no matter what kind of character this man has, so called good or bad, always damages the work of God.
d. The way of Cross is a way of transformation, a replacement, but not repair or progression. It is a totally deny, a complete death of old man.

After the message, several brothers come up to share their personal experiences about character, including brother Huan and brother Bor. You can listen to it after all the recording is done.
