2009年5月11日 星期一

A gift from Little Bear

小熊喜孜孜的從書包裏掏出這張圖和自己寫的一首小詩,說要送給媽媽熊,媽媽熊差點沒噴飯。媽媽熊二十年前就不只十七歲啦!小熊真是"善良" 的小熊, 看來保養品還是得繼續擦。
Little Bear took out this art piece with her painting and a little poem. It was a gift to Mama Bear. Mama Bear burst out laughing. Seventeen years old? Twenty years ago, Mama Bear was more than seventeen. Thank you, Little Bear. You are very kind. Mama Bear was quite encouraged. She would continue applying day cream and night cream to herself.
