2008年8月9日 星期六

Let's go for a ride! 我們去坐飛機!

3 則留言:

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I haven't visited your blog for a while now. It is very refreshing to see new photos. Isn't it amazing how fast our children grow and how time flies?

I also visited Joanna's page. One day, the information you posted will be used by some other Moms.

I was in a small plane once. My heart almost stopped and my legs were numb. May God continue to strengthen me, physically (and emotionally). :)

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Dear Lee Ping:
Thank you for leaving your comments. I didn't spend time to update the blog, I will try my best. Your are the most loyal audience. Rebecca

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Scrapbooking without using paper, isn't that great? A great way to remember God's grace...(mercy + gifts).