2011年3月26日 星期六
2011年3月20日 星期日
2011年3月17日 星期四
還有什麼東西可以止咳?Anything for coughing?
底迪熊這幾天又有點咳咳的樣子, 媽媽熊又開始備戰, 這次金橘沒了, 怎麼辦?以往我們都是靠水果茶就可過關,少了一樣,怎麼煮呢? 動動腦吧!剛好家裡有蘆薈粉,大家都說蘆薈是醫藥樹,幾千年前的古人就開始使用蘆薈了,幹麼不試試? 底迪熊沒事就來咳兩下實在有點讓人受不了,於是就沖了一小杯濃縮蘆薈汁給他試試,接著靜觀其變. 真是奇了!還真沒咳耶! 一小時過去, 兩小時過去,三小時過去,還是沒咳! (認真的等他咳,他偏不咳了.)果真有效? 再試試. 今天一早再沖了一大杯讓底迪熊帶去學校喝, 一回家,馬上會報媽媽熊, 他說他一次都沒咳,真有其事, 以前知道蘆薈是養顏美容助消化的好東西, 沒想到還能治咳嗽呢! 這下子又多一招可以對付咳嗽!感冒季節還沒過去,希望大家大事化小, 小事化無.
Baby Bear had little bit coughs. Whenever Baby Bear coughs, Mama would start preparing the "fight." We used to cook Fruit tea to heal the coughs. Unfortunately we ran out of Kumquats this time. What should we do? Mama Bear remembered that Aole is very good for health. Thousand years ago, people used it as medicines. Why not give it a try? Baby Bear's coughs came on and off. They would drive people crazy.
Mama Bear decided to give him a little cup of concentrated aloe juice. Then started observing Baby Bear. One hour passed, two hours passed, and three hours passed. He didn't cough at all. ( Mama Bear perked up ears and patiently waited for the coughs. He didn't cough.) How interesting! Mama Bear decided to give him more today. He broght to school a cup of aloe juice. As soon as he came home, he reported to Mama Bear. " No coughs today. Not even once." It was well known that aloe juice is good for skin and digestive system. Now there is another function is to heal coughs. The cold and flu season is not gone yet. May each one of us can have great health.
Baby Bear had little bit coughs. Whenever Baby Bear coughs, Mama would start preparing the "fight." We used to cook Fruit tea to heal the coughs. Unfortunately we ran out of Kumquats this time. What should we do? Mama Bear remembered that Aole is very good for health. Thousand years ago, people used it as medicines. Why not give it a try? Baby Bear's coughs came on and off. They would drive people crazy.
Mama Bear decided to give him a little cup of concentrated aloe juice. Then started observing Baby Bear. One hour passed, two hours passed, and three hours passed. He didn't cough at all. ( Mama Bear perked up ears and patiently waited for the coughs. He didn't cough.) How interesting! Mama Bear decided to give him more today. He broght to school a cup of aloe juice. As soon as he came home, he reported to Mama Bear. " No coughs today. Not even once." It was well known that aloe juice is good for skin and digestive system. Now there is another function is to heal coughs. The cold and flu season is not gone yet. May each one of us can have great health.
2011年3月5日 星期六
Little Bear's science fair
Little Bear proudly presented her science project. Her topic was "which object float?"
She typed up all the words. Although it took a long time, she did it.
Her 3rd grade teacher and her classmates stopped by to see her project. She had fun.
She typed up all the words. Although it took a long time, she did it.
Her 3rd grade teacher and her classmates stopped by to see her project. She had fun.
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