可以吃的喜字。You can eat the Chinese word.

喜上眉梢。What a lovely couple!

動人的情歌。 A love song to the bride.

還下腰哩! Wait a minute, Mr. Groom, what are you doing?!!!!~

這個姿勢好嗎? Do I smile enough?

別緊張,這裡面是蘋果西打 Don't worry. It is sparkling cider.

歲月如梭,我們竟然有13年沒見過面。 A reunion after 13 years.

小孩長高,大人怎麼還能不老? It is great to see our kids growing.

報效國家的大哥哥,我們以你為榮。 Big brother, we are all proud of you.

不過,別告訴他,熊熊們偷偷戴了他的帽子。 Don't tell him that bears borrow his hat for a second.