We will upload more pictures from A-Ma's camera after we get home. Wait for that.
2007年7月31日 星期二
LA Travel PartII - Knott's Berry Farm
We will upload more pictures from A-Ma's camera after we get home. Wait for that.
2007年7月29日 星期日
WCCC Day 5 - LA Travel PartII Day 1

WCCC Day 5 Conformed to the image of His Son
I. If we love the Lord, we will know His will and love that will. So, what is His will? He has chosen us before the foundation of the world and pre-destined us to be conformed to the image of His Son.
II. Pre-destined is according to His all-knowledge. It is what we will be and what we must be.
He knows, so He calls. He calls, so He is responsible, faithful and will perform. He is responsible, He will justify. (We have totally no ability to be justified by faith.) He justifies, He sanctify (separate). He sanctifies, He glorify. To be glorified is to be conformed to the image of His Son. Because, the Son is the completely magnification of God's glory Image.
III. What we lacking is God's divine nature, which is His Life. No life, no conformation. Have Son, we have His life, and this is gospel.
IV. Transformation:
1. The Son has demonstrated a perfect human life on earth. He has every rights to exit this world, but He did not and went to Calvary. Only showing us a perfect person is not enough, we need a perfect life. Therefore, through the cross, His life was released to anyone who believed in Him.
2. When we believed in Him, we have that exactly/perfect life in us. Bird has a bird's life and fish has a fish's life. Old Adam has old Adam's life - a self-center life. But, what kind of life did we receive? The life we receive from Christ is a transformation life - such as a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly. This life is exactly the same life that our Lord Jesus has when He was on earth.
3. This is the work of Holy Spirit. If we obey the Holy Anointing, we abide in Him. In another word, if we don't do our job (obey), the Holy Spirit will not do His work. To follow the Holy Anointing is the meaning of living sacrifice. How can what we have heard and have saw become a reality? Living Sacrifice.
4. Offering is a beginning and a way. Everyone should have their first time, and continue to offer up deeper and deeper. Holy Spirit will point out which thing needs to be offered up. That's why the burning offering is offered in the morning and night, and the fire (1st love) is never extinguished.
5. This body belongs to me and I have the very right to do whatever I want to do. Now, I am so moved by God's love, I offer my body up to God. Then, it is up to God to do whatever He wants to do with it. God has the very right to do whatever He wants to do on this body, and I don't.
6. Why transformation is slowing down? It is because our heart is tempted away from Christ. We become what we look at. We look at Christ, we will be like Him, we look at earthly thing, we will be earthly.
7. Transformation has everything to do with love.
8. Song of Songs tell about the story of transformation.
2007年7月28日 星期六
What do we do after dinner? PLAY! PLAY! PLAY!
Kids were crazy about the fountain in Biola. Kids either threw coins in there or jumped in up and down. Of course, not us. It was a fun place to go. You can see more at here. Wait for gradmom's camera.
WCCC Day 4 Special Topic - Live out the character of Christ
Brother Sun Section 3. Exercise Godliness
提前1 Tim 4:7 只是要棄絕那世俗的言語、和老婦荒渺的話、在敬虔上操練自己。操練身體、益處還少.惟獨敬虔、凡事都有益處.因有今生和來生的應許.I. What is Godliness: Like God
II. Spiritual gifts can't build up church, the root problem is our character. Our character many times becomes other people's problem, this including our family life. Only Christ's character is the complete/perfect character. Salvation is not just merely for people to be saved, but for people to become the building materials for God's house. Where there are Christ characters, there are the house of God. More the Christ characters, more the present of God.
III. Exercise Godliness and Exercise Body:
Good characters benefit our body in our normal daily living habits.
IV. Holy Spirit and Godliness:
God gave unlimited Holy Spirit to Jesus is because He has a Godliness and a complete character. With Holy Spirit, there is spiritual reality. In fact, if you have Christ, you have everything. Jesus' character is the character that can cooperate with Holy Spirit.
V. The principle of God using us:
Our problem:
Spirit inspire, we don't move; or Spirit did not inspire us, we move.
Our character determine the degree that our God use us, and how useful we are in the Kingdom of God. When God looks at all matters, He looks for how many Christ characters are in there, not how successful these things are. Therefore, the principle of God - are we a convenience or inconvenience tool? For example, are we inspired to visit others and bring the life of Christ to them, or we visit others merely because we like it? are we inspired to visit others, but we delay that inspire, or we diligent obey to do under His command?
VI. What are the Christ characters:
1. Easily to be filled by Spirit: example - Steven's death (as Jesus martyred);
2. Easily to give: example - Abraham - give his only son (as Father give his beloved Son);
3. Easily to be changed:
4. Balance character: example: the church in Corinth, different groups love different brothers (1 Cor1:12)
5. Closely guarded character: not loose, not drift here and there
WCCC Day 4 Conformed to the image of His Son
林後 2 Cor 4:6
林後 2 Cor 3:18
創 Gen 32:24-32 The experience of Jacob at Peniel
希Heb 11:21 The conclusion of Jacob
I. The problem: Who is the boss in your life? Me or Him? If He has all the Lordship, he is responsible for us and give us enough provision to go through. If I am the master of myself, I am responsible for my life.
II. The truth that we need to face: We can't take anything to eternity unless it has the essence of eternity. And the spiritual character of Christ is the only thing we can take to the eternity.
III. The story of Jacob, which is the story of us:
1. Jacob: a twister, a cheater, a liar, a self-center, a bargainer, a person can't control his wicket natural.
2. God original plan is to give him all blessings, including the sonship, but he want to get them himself. He is the center of all problems. So, God arranged all circumstance to conform him.
3. One day God will bring each one of us to the Peniel crossing to deal with our own problem.
4. Jacob won the wrestle, because the Angel of God (Jesus who has not incarnate) made Himself weak so He can gain Jacob. Likewise, our Lord Jesus humble Himself so we can make Him die on the cross, so He can gain us to conform us to His own Image.
5. Jacob was his own master, but he now leaned on a staff.
6. He became a worshiper, the channel of blessing.
7. Jacob got changed, because he want the blessings, he wants something that is eternal, and he wants something from God.
WCCC Day 4 Conformed to the image of His Son
1:1-3太初有道、道與 神同在、道就是 神。這道太初與 神同在。萬物是藉著他造的.凡被造的、沒有一樣不是藉著他造的。
1:14 道成了肉身、住在我們中間、充充滿滿的有恩典有真理。我們也見過他的榮光、正是父獨生子的榮光。
1:17-18律法本是藉著摩西傳的、恩典和真理、都是由耶穌基督來的。從來沒有人看見 神.只有在父懷裡的獨生子將他表明出來。
1:15-17 愛子是那不能看見之 神的像、是首生的、在一切被造的以先.因為萬有都是靠他造的、無論是天上的、地上的、能看見的、不能看見的、或是有位的、主治的、執政的、掌權的、一概都是藉著他造的、又是為他造的.他在萬有之先.萬有也靠他而立。
1:1 -3 神既在古時藉著眾先知、多次多方的曉諭列祖、就在這末世、藉著他兒子曉諭我們、又早已立他為承受萬有的、也曾藉著他創造諸世界.他是 神榮耀所發的光輝、是 神本體的真像、常用他權能的命令托住萬有、他洗淨了人的罪、就坐在高天至大者的右邊.
Are we needed oriented or God's purpose oriented? We meet is not for ourselves, but for God.
II. Conform to the image of the Son:
Image: an inner life showing outwardly, it needs to be borne, not created or made, nor imitated
III. Invisible God can be known:
We normally know about God, but not God Himself. God is invisible, but not unknown.
We need to remember how we first met the Lord. It is a Revelation. No revelation, no life come within, no conformation. Thus, every Christian has the opportunity to be conformed to the image of His Son. However, no of us can express God fully, only His Son can.
IV. Christ is the exact Image of Invisible God:
1. Word(道): The expression of God. Our words express who we are. The Son of God is the FULL expression & representation of God's love. What God said is what He IS. God reveal Himself according His Word.
2. The Word became flesh: The journey of humble
腓 立 比 書Philippians 2:6-8
他本有 神的形像、不以自己與 神同等為強奪的.反倒虛己、取了奴僕的形像、成為人的樣式.既有人的樣子、就自己卑微、存心順服、以至於死、且死在十字架上。
From the form of God to the form of a bond slave, our Lord Jesus emptied Himself except His Divinity. Inwardly, He is God, but He put it aside and take a mind of a bond slave to listen and to obey. When God create man, He did not create man to be his own master, but to His bond slave to rule over the earth. Thus, our Lord Jesus became man with a bond slave heart.
3. What is Grace?
a. an object or person, so beautiful, that make us pleasure;
b. something that are given freely & universally;
c. that grace makes others who received the grace become gracious to others;
Only our Lord Jesus has all these 3 characters
4. Without revelation, we see Jesus only a great man. Therefore, we need to ponder about Him, particularly about Him on the cross. On the cross, Jesus manifested fully the love of God and the righteousness of God. It is the highest glory of Jesus when He was on the Cross. If we see the glory of Jesus (on the cross), nothing will be matter to us.
5. So what is the glory that God will give to us? to be conformed to the image of his Son is the Glory.
Every Christian Should Know...
One of the speakers mentioned something:
1. EU uses a woman ridding on the beast as its symbol (Rev. 17:3);
2. EU uses a painting of the tower of Babel (Gen.11) to build its parliament building;
If you know what those two things mean in the Bible, you surely will know the end time is near.
WCCC Day 3 Special Topic - Live out the character of Christ
Exodus 25:1-9
Ephesian 4: 1-4
Revelation 21: 10, 18-21
I. Character can be changed, but it needs time. None of the saint can build God's church, only the Christ characters that are in them can build the church.
II. Image or Life of Christ is hidden, however, the character can be seen outwardly. Therefore, from the character, we can tell if this person grow up or not.
III. All materials in the Tabernacle are the symbol of Christ's characters:
Gold - Divinity, eternal glory; Silver - redemption, a character can save us home; Brass - Judgement/light; Blue linen - Heavenly natural/John; Purple Linen - Royal/Matt; Scarlet Linen - Salvation/Mark; Fine Linen - Pure, Meek Man/Luke; and more...
IV. In Ephesian CH4, Paul mentioned characters first, not gift. Gifts can't make us ONE, but Christ's characters can. Characters are the main problem that cause the division of the Body of Christ. Only all children of God have Christ's characters, then the Unity can become reality.
My Comment: I would encourage everyone listening the audio recording in the last section and today, since there are brothers come up and share their failures during the service. Some of them are brothers we know in our local assembly.
2007年7月27日 星期五
WCCC Day 3 Conformed to the image of His Son
Even though we look at ourselves and fell we fall short of His glory, we still need to trust His word and know He will finish His work by using His Spirit.
Where there is Spirit, there is freedom. We can be released from our old selves. Therefore, never quench the moving of Holy Spirit. We can never nail ourselves on the cross, only Spirit can do the work.
God gave us 2 choices: the tree of life or the tree of knowledge of good and evil. What is our choice?
The tree of life - God center, God depends, God conscious
The tree of Knowledge - Self center, Self dependent, Self conscious
The only way out - In Christ
We must be rebirth, but will rebirth enough? NO.
Merely be saved can't complete the work of God, be baptised is only a beginning, we still need to see we are hopeless, our soul life is hopeless, then we are willing work with God.
My comment:
By the mercy of God, He enlighten us to see our poor self and His glory. Therefore, we are willing to put down whatever we think it is precious and pursuit the one that is priceless.
Spiritual Seeing is so important.
WCCC Day 3 Conformed to the image of His Son
林後 2 Cor 4:6 那吩咐光從黑暗裡照出來的 神、已經照在我們心裡、叫我們得知 神榮耀的光、顯在耶穌基督的面上。
The 4 different characters of our Lord Jesus in 4 Gospel:
Matthew - The Lion/King with shame
The school of Christ, one is at this world, one is at His assembly
Peter's lesson - Talk too much, church does't have her words, only Chirst can talk.
Mark - Ox/Servant
41 times - immediately, slow obiedence is not true obiedence
CH1-10, Ox works in the field/bread
CH11-16, Ox offers on the alter
We co-yok with Christ
Luke - Perfect Man
30 years, hidden life, God became man, under pertection, under limit by time and space, under parents guidance - so should we;
John - Eagle/Heavenly
Key verses: 1:18 & 21:20
Jesus is in the bosom of God, therefore, He abides in the Father, and the Father abides in Him;
John was in the bosom of Jesus, therefore, John abides in Jesus, and Jesus abides in John;
John represents us, so we fellowship with Christ
In short, to be like Jesus is to be In Christ.
Amy Carmichale once on the street and saw a silver refiner. She asked him when did you know the silver is refined? The refiner said, not until I can see my face reflect fromt the silver liquid. Likewise, the glory of Chirst must be reflected from our face, then the work of God can be called - finished.
2007年7月26日 星期四
WCCC Day 2 Conformed to the image of His Son
弗 Ephesians 4:20 你們學了基督 ...
1. What is Learn from Christ:
a. Imitate Christ's life on earth literally is not learning from Christ
b. The key is at 加拉太書 Galatians 2:20 我已經與基督同釘十字架.現在活著的、不再是我、乃是基督在我裡面活著.並且我如今在肉身活著、是因信 神的兒子而活、他是愛我、為我捨己。
c. to learn from Christ is to live out the Christ. Have His life, then you have His living.
I trembling but I burn. I trembling because I don't like Him. But I burn because I like Him.
2. How can we learn from Christ:
a. We need to see the glory of God first. How?
林後 2 Cor 4:6 那吩咐光從黑暗裡照出來的 神、已經照在我們心裡、叫我們得知 神榮耀的光、顯在耶穌基督的面上。
We see Jesus' face, we see God's glory. Face is the representation and manifestation of a person.
b. The 4 Gospels represent the 4 different faces of our Lord Jesus as the Living things have 4 faces in the Book of Ezekiel. The Book of Matthew - Lion/King; The Book of Mark - Ox/Servant; The Book of Luke - Man/Son of Man; The Book of John - Eagle/Heavenly
c. He is the Lion/the King. He sit at David's throne. Jesus' life just like David. He fled, be abandoned, on the donkey, meek. He was tortured, spited, however, God's glory manifests in His face. His reaction toward all this reveal what kind of life He has.
WCCC Day 2 Special Topic - Live out the character of Christ
創Genesis 1:26-27 神說、我們要照著我們的形像、按著我們的樣式造人、使他們管理海裡的魚、空中的鳥、地上的牲畜、和全地、並地上所爬的一切昆蟲。 神就照著自己的形像造人、乃是照著他的形像造男造女。
羅Roman 8:28-30 我們曉得萬事都互相效力、叫愛 神的人得益處、就是按他旨意被召的人。因為他預先所知道的人、就預先定下效法他兒子的模樣使他兒子在許多弟兄中作長子.預先所定下的人又召他們來.所召來的人、又稱他們為義.所稱為義的人、又叫他們得榮耀。
1. There are 2 christian basic pursuit:
a. pursuit to know God's eternal purpose
b. pursuit to have a character which can be entrusted God's eternal purpose
Without such character, the greater the gift or the great the knowledge, the greater damage to the House of God. It just like building a house. We have the best blue print, and the best/skillful workers, but have poor materials.
c. Image = character + temperament
God has placed this image in every believer and it is His will that this image/character can be manifested in us. God can only use those who have His character to accomplished His work. In another word, only the character of Christ can accomplish the will of God. And the service is according to the character of Christ.
2. The unique character of Christ:
a. everything has its own unique character. Gold has its unique character and so does silver.
b. the unique character of Christ is His character is not a created character, it is God's character. Therefore, His character becomes the standard, content, reality and etc. Only Christ and none other can accomplish the will of God.
3. Personality and Character:
a. Personality: when God 1st creates us, He gave us an unique personality, there are many and all different and unchanged.
b. Character: character can be built. However, the natural man's character, regardless good or bad, it is not useful in God's eyes. All rituals in the Bible point to the character of Christ, not human's moral standard. Education is only to seek perfect among imperfect characters.
c. no matter what kind of character this man has, so called good or bad, always damages the work of God.
d. The way of Cross is a way of transformation, a replacement, but not repair or progression. It is a totally deny, a complete death of old man.
After the message, several brothers come up to share their personal experiences about character, including brother Huan and brother Bor. You can listen to it after all the recording is done.
WCCC Day 2 Conformed to the image of His Son
Brother Stephan Kung Section 1. The Son is the invisible God's Image
1. God’s eternal purpose is determinate before the foundation of the world. He has pre-destinate, according to his pleasure and His purpose; all things will be summed up into ONE in His Son. We are called to be One in Christ.
2. How does this purpose to be accomplished? By the Way of Cross. Those who are called should deny themselves and follow Him. (All Christian are called for this purpose.) When His purpose is accomplished, we shall all like Him.
第一堂Section 1
歌羅西書Colossians1:15 愛子是那不能看見之 神的像
羅馬書 Roman 8:28-30 我們曉得萬事都互相效力、叫愛 神的人得益處、就是按他旨意被召的人。因為他預先所知道的人、就預先定下效法他兒子的模樣使他兒子在許多弟兄中作長子.預先所定下的人又召他們來.所召來的人、又稱他們為義.所稱為義的人、又叫他們得榮耀。
約翰福音Gospel of John 1:18從來沒有人看見 神.只有在 父懷裡的獨生子將他表明出來。
I. What is “Image?”
1. Image – a derive from the original
a. Sculpture & photos are not images of an original; there is no life in it. Although outwardly they can be very much alike to the originals, inwardly are not. Thus, an image is from with-in, not from with-out. A Christian is borne from within, the image is from within.
b. Image – representation of the true origin & manifestation of the life within
2. God creates man is according to His own image
a. Adam was created according to His image, thus, he has the potential to represent and manifest God. Thus, God placed in the Garden of Eden to the tree of Life. However, man has sinned against God, so his descendants only has Adam’s image, not His image.
b. However, after we believe in Jesus, He gave us a life that is far more abundant than Adam. This is the very life of Jesus, the very image of Jesus within us. It is not created, but from above and within.
II. The invisible God being known:
1. God is the Spirit, and He can’t be known by human
2. However, God is happy to reveal His Son to us. Without His revelation, no one can know God.
3. God uses many things to reveal Himself:
a. God reveal Himself through His creation:
羅馬書Roman 1:19-20自從造天地以來、 神的永能和神性是明明可知的、雖是眼不能見、但藉著所造之物、就可以曉得、叫人無可推諉.
God reveal His power and divinity.
b. God reveal Himself through human history:
使徒行傳Act 17:26他從一本造出萬族的人、〔本有古卷作血脈〕住在全地上、並且預先定準他們的年限、和所住的疆界.要叫他們尋求 神、或者可以揣摩而得、其實他離我們各人不遠.我們生活、動作、存留、都在乎他 .
God reveal that He is the God who controls the history of man.
c. God reveal Himself through forefathers:
God spoke to Adam, Abraham, Moses and etc.
God gave 10 commandment: 1st 4 commandment reveals He is the God of Holy (no other gods like Him, He is unique and different.); 2nd 6 commandment reveals the He is the God of Righteousness.
God spoke to prophets, such Isaiah – He is redeemer; Jeremiah – New Covenant; Ezekiel – Inherit; Daniel – Kingdom
God spoke to us to His symbol/sign: Tabernacle – the full representation of God’s plan.
God spoke to us through saints, from their inner characters, we see God, such as Abraham – prince of God; Moses – friend of God.
d. God reveal Himself through His Son – Jesus Christ.
2007年7月25日 星期三
WCCC Day 1 Conformed to the image of His Son
Roman 8:28-30; 1 John 3:1-3; 2 Cor 3:16-18
1. It is God's will that we will be like His Son - our Lord Jesus Christ;
2. All God's children should be conformed and changed gradually to be like His son, otherwise he is a dead-christian. All other religious activities can't substitute such inner change.
3. It is destined that we will be conformed into His image, so our Lord Jesus can bring many sons to glory, not babies. It is God's ultimate will, and we need to receive His Word with faith. Without such faith, we will still stay in the same old stage of ourselves.
4. If anyone in Christ, all things has passed and he is a new creation. We should focus on In Christ, not where is this new creation is. If we are in Christ, we are part of this NEW creation - the universal MAN - Christ the Head and we His Body. And, when does our Lord start this new creation? Right after we are saved. From this sinner, the new creation will be formed.
5. Therefore, we should take off old man and put on this new man, how? By knowing the following things:
a. It is God who put us in His Son, not us or our merits. Our responsibility is to believe and acknowledge this truth.
b. Face all trails/realities with obedience and faith. Accept whatever He gave to us, and believe it is for our own good.
c. We need to turn our eyes upon Jesus, so the veil will be lifted off from our heart. Then, we shall see Him. Without seeing Him, we can't be changed.
6. The return of the Lord is near, we shall be ready for Him. Changing to His image is a sign to be ready for Him. We need to believe it - no matter how difficult is or how big the problem is, He will provide us even more grace for us to go through. The end result - we shall be like Him.
LA Travel Day 4
Bright and shine, hurray, we left San Luis Obispo. The first part of the trip has came to an end. We were heading to LA for WCCC - 3 1/2 hr drive if everything went well. Since our brother has a GPS in his car, he leaded us. Half way to LA, our nephew called us that he just arrived LA airport for WCCC and invited us for lunch there. Since we will get to LA pretty late (after 1:30PM), we asked him to eat by himself (poor guy) and we will meet him at campsite. Without knowing this, our brother continued leading us to Alhambra for lunch. Right after we exited I-10, God gave us a hunch that we should call him. So we did. And this is our conversation:
WE: Hi, we just arrive Alhambra, where are you?
NE: Really, I am at Alhambra, too. Which part of the town are you in?
WE: We are on the Atlantic Ave.
NE: No kidding? I am at cross street of Atlantic Ave & Valley Blvd waiting for my barber to cut my hair. And did you see the Gas Station?
(Right at this moment, we stopped at a crossroad waiting for a left turn. At the same time, he walked out of the barbar shop.)
WE: Really? Oh, I see the Valley Blvd, it's just right in front of us, and I see the Gas Station at our right hand side too. Oh, no, I see you, I see you. Hay, we are here. we are here....
So, we make a turn, pick him up and go eat lunch together with our brother at the plaza. And you can see more photo at here. And more here (not yet, but wating from Mom's camera).
2007年7月24日 星期二
LA Travel Day 3 - Hearst Castle
So, my brother leads us to the Hearst Castle. Here are some pictures we take. It made all castles we saw before NOTHING. The ticket is pretty expensive, but it absolutely worths for every penny. If you don't believe what we say, you can go and see it yourself, either on Internet or by car.
Oh, BTW, here is the 4th child we just adopt today on the way to the castle.
LA Travel Day 2
2007年7月22日 星期日
LA Travel Day1

The Lord is great. He rewards us with a 4 stars hotel - Rogue Regency Inn & Suites at Medford for our hard work during CMP SCBC week. Want to listen to the story? Here it is.....
We originally booked a non-smoking 1 King suite with a sofa bed and a roll-away bed for 3 adults and 3 children at Comfort Inn last night. After Sunday Lord' Table, we left our home and arrived Medford this afternoon. When we check in, to our suprise, the room we booked was given away to another party. At first, we were pretty upset, but the hotel manager admited that it was their mistake on reservation and wished to give us other choices. Well, the choices were a smoking room with the same facility/service and a 2 queen bed rooms with 2 roll-away beds. After we lookede at both rooms, we really didn't like them. They either was a smoky room or a room too small. So, we told the manager that both rooms were not acceptable. Since they didn't have any room to suit our need, they found us the hotel that will fit our need. And you know what?They found one, but it was a 4 star hotel. It was a 2 queen-size bedroom with a living room, plus all similar service with the same price. Wow! Aafter checking in, this was a great place we ever live. Praise Him!!!
One more to share: after dinner, we went to buy some drinking water at Food-4-Less, and do you know how big the ice cream they serve there for 60Cents? Our Lord really treats us well.

2007年7月20日 星期五
CMP SCBC has come to an end
Sister Stephanie has a chance to share the gospel with those children who are 7 and above today. And also, 4 young people testify for the Lord Jesus. You can see more photos in here.
Praise the Lord for He is faithful all the way to the end and He has done a great thing among His children.
2007年7月19日 星期四
2007年7月18日 星期三
Wow!!! SCBC has finished the 3rd days and....
W already missed this camp. So, want to see more action, please go to this link.
2007年7月17日 星期二
Want to see more photos? Click here.
2007年7月16日 星期一
2007年7月15日 星期日
Since our three little bears all have their own bears, bears mean very special to all of us.One day, in a car ride , they played a game by calling everyone in the car with a bear title. I. was baby bear, J.was the princess bear, H. was the big sister bear. Of course, R. was the Mama bear, K.was the Papa bear, and Grandma was the Grandma bear. Mama bear thought it would be a great idea to change the name. What do you think?
Official Title Changed
2007年7月10日 星期二
Two more things to share
2. Just right before we headed to Seattle, one friend gave us a Canada calling card. It was purchased by her sister-in-law during the vacation in Canada. Since there were about 30 minutes left, her sister-in-law asked her to give anyone who would be going to Canada. So she gave it to us and we used it all up. Without that calling card, we wouldn't get the information we need on Monday and got hold of the Portland Vital Record on Tuesday, and got the ball rolling.
Praise Him for He is the Lord of all details.
2007年7月6日 星期五
Who arranged this trip? HE DID
This is not just a great trip, but also a trip to experience the grace, the provision, and the leading of our
Our original plan was to stay at
Therefore, I postponed the trip and stay at another brother's home in Seattle on Sunday night. It was predestined that we need to stay at his house for one more night. First of all, we just realized that we did not even bring any maps. Fortunately, our brother still kept his AAA Canada/Vancouver/Victoria maps of 2006. So, we got the maps. And, his neighbor just gave him a phone number, a person named Bob, from the Port Angeles - Victoria Tourist Bureau for reserving the motel at Victoria. Though I was not very sure who this
Monday, instead of going North to Vancouver directly, we drove to
On the Ferry, just about arriving
Tuesday, after checked in the motel, I set up the laptop. Praise the Lord, everything we need are in there - cable, microphone and etc. So, we can Skype anyone without spend too much money. After asking helps from several government agency, I finally got hold of the Vital Record in
Can't really tell you how much trouble we have got for this simple matter, how many phone calls we have made to clear the path, how many trip we were up and down to send the fax, and how much money we have spent for all the paper work to be done, but, after a straight 3-hour none-stop working, it was DONE. Just right before checking out the motel at
Thursday afternoon, after arriving the motel, we checked in. We told the manger that we will have six people to stay in that 2-queen-bedroom. But, surprisingly, he said that is fine. I thought that perhaps he did not get it. So I explained to him that it is a 2-bedroom which is normally just for 4 people. And did you know what he said. He said it is a BIG room, and he did not really care. Really? We got a BIG room? A big room is good for 6 people? Ha, this is really a strangest that I ever hear about a hotel room. At first, I thought it was our sister's special arrangement. However, after talked to the brother, he told me that his sister placed the reservation via Internet for 4 people, not for 6. And, she has no control on what room they are going to get.
Now, the leading of the Lord has became really clear to us. We are pre-destine to stay at Victoria for 3 nights and stay at this particular hotel for one extra day, so we can enjoy the trip under His guidance and go home as a whole family with grateful hearts. Believe me, His provision never fails.
2007年7月4日 星期三
2007年7月3日 星期二
Prayer Request
1. Order the necessary document on Thursday morning;
2. Get the brother to pick it up in afternoon;
3. The brother will travel with his family to Vancouver BC and deliver us the necessary document;
4. We head home with a joyful heart;
Please pray for us that
1. We can straight everything out on Thursday morning;
2. The brother can pick up the document without any problem;
3. The brother and his family will arrive Vancouver BC in Friday early morning;
4. We can get home on time to eat dinner and give 2 elder sisters a ride to Bible study;