2007年4月29日 星期日


這種床的牌子叫做NovaForm Memory Foam.
例如: 每立方呎能承重四磅 (4 lbs per cubic ft.)


床墊之一 (我們買這種的床墊King):


型號112226), 售價台幣$4,999元. 看來台灣還比美國便宜一些. 可以請人買回來試一試,才會知道好不好用.(好市多買的東西,不合用,一概可以全額退款.)


2007年4月26日 星期四


If your router's power light is blinking and no internet connection, your router is dead. That is what happens to us today. No internet AND no phone service. After calling the Fios company, Verison is sending us a new router tomorrow, which is very sweet.
But what about the internet and phone service? Well, just plug the ethernet cable directly in the wall junction box of your Fios, then you can have the internet service. Not sure about the phone service though.
Luckily, we still keep our old router, so the phone works again. >_<

2007年4月19日 星期四


Day 1 (04/04/2007)
On the way home after work, I suddenly had an urge that I should cut the tree in front of my house. Since we have been prayed whether we should cut the tree ourselves or hire some to cut it, I know it is from the Holy Spirit. So I decided to just give a try. Then, I climbed up the tree and cut the biggest branch with a small saw after I got home. That went pretty well and I was pleased. The neighbor later said, "You better be careful for the wind. Without that branch, this tree does not look balance." Then I knew, there was no turning back.

Day 2 (04/05/2007)
It h bad been a great day so far - Sunny, not windy. The urge came back again in the afternoon after work. I told my wife it was time to chop off the top of the tree first. So I tied myself halfway up on the tree and used my small saw to cut it.
Well, bad idea. Do you know how long I stay up there? 1 1/2 hour. The saw was not going in anywhere after 1/3 of the tree. I was either not strong enough to do it or I got the wrong tool to saw the tree. I prayed to my Lord that didn't You urge me to cut it? How come it become so hard to cut? Then, my wife suggested that we should borrow other tools from a brother who lives near by our house. Praise the Lord, she brought back the right kind of saw, so I can cut the tree.After using it for 2 minutes, I reached 1/2 of the tree and I heard a "crack" sound. I quickly jumped of the tree. The tree was split, but fortunately it did not fall. Since I tied a rope on top of the tree, my wife and I tried to pull it down. Useless!!! I did not tie the rope high enough to get enough momentum to pull it down. And it was too dangerous to go up there to saw it again. I was so frustrated, since I have worked on this tree for over 2 hours. I prayed to God that He can blow a breeze to knock down the tree, so I can go home and eat. Just then, I felt a breeze of wind went by and I heard another crack. Praise the Lord, the top of the tree fall, and amazingly it hit nothing. Now I know, "...whence come my help. My help comes from the LORD, which made heaven and earth." --- Psalm 121

Day 3 (04/19/2007)
After that, most of the day was not sunny and I have no urge to cut down the tree.
Besides, since I hand sawed all the branches for extra 1 1/2 hour, my arm was sore. I did need a break. One day, we invited brothers and sisters to our house for dinner. After knowing I am going to cut down the rest of the tree, one of the brothers was so nice and gave me his electrical chain saw. Praise the Lord, here comes the handiest tool.

And "This is the day, this is the day to cut down the tree, to cut down the tree; I will rejoice, I will rejoice for He has made me glad..."

Does anybody know what is the most difficult things for cutting down a tree?
They are now sitting at my backyard and waiting to be picked up by the garbage company. It will take months to clear up all of them... Bad idea to cut down that tree? you may ask. Well, it is better than to clean up the gutter twice a year, pick up bags and bags of leaves in fall, clean up all branches in winter, and we might have a better lawn in the future. :)

2007年4月13日 星期五

2007年4月5日 星期四

鋸樹中, 請期待!!!